This photo shows the mounting box I attached to my GH end frame. The intake shutter is 12".
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The shutter was attached from the outside.
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I opted to get a second intake shutter after I covered the 12" shutter with bug screen. It did not seem like enough air was passing through, so I installed this 16" shutter I bought from Home Depot's roofing department.
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The exhaust fan is from It is the economy 12" kit. It is a Dayton fan assembly.
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Mounted the same way that the intake shutter was mounted.
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This is an inline thermostat with a 50-90 range. It came with the exhaust kit, and is spliced in between the power supply and the fan motor. I bought an aluminum 2 hole switch box to mount it to since it mounts into standard light switch box sizes.
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Here is my temporary "Evaporative Cooler".
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